Cosmetic surgery is when a person chooses to undergo an operation or invasive medical procedure to change their physical appearance for aesthetic rather than medical reasons. Non-surgical cosmetic procedures, such as Botox and dermal fillers, which are normally used to relax or fill in crease lines, do not involve surgery. Cosmetic plastic surgery is done to change the appearance. For some, it may mean redesigning the contour and shape of the body, smoothing wrinkles, or removing areas that are weakening. Others may choose to treat varicose veins or breast augmentation.
There are a number of cosmetic surgery procedures that men and women can choose from to create an image that makes them feel more confident and comfortable with their appearance. Cosmetic plastic surgery includes both surgical and non-surgical procedures that improve and remodel body structures to improve appearance and confidence. Plastic surgery is a broad field that encompasses both cosmetic (aesthetic) procedures and reconstructive procedures. Reconstructive surgery focuses on repairing or reconstructing problems caused by congenital deformities, the removal of tumors such as cancer, trauma, or other reasons.
Some other lesser-known plastic surgery procedures include carpal tunnel surgery, microsurgery, rhinoplasty, and peripheral nerve surgery. If the procedure you are looking for is aesthetic in nature, choosing a cosmetic surgeon means that the surgeon is focused on achieving a solid aesthetic result in a safe manner. The techniques used by plastic surgeons to restore the body's appearance and function are often similar to those used by cosmetic surgeons to improve the body's appearance. Cosmetic surgery includes surgical procedures aimed at improving appearance, either by adjusting the proportions of the face or body, increasing certain features or improving symmetry. While aesthetic procedures are addressed during this training, it's not the only goal; aesthetic training is just one of the 12 categories of procedures included in the training requirements for obtaining certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), including burn reconstruction, hand surgery, and craniomaxillofacial trauma surgery.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the most common cosmetic procedures (invasive and minimally invasive) are listed here by their common or descriptive names. General cosmetic surgeons can be certified by the American Board of Aesthetic Surgery (ABCS), while those who specialize in facial cosmetic surgery are certified by the American Board of Aesthetic Facial Surgery (ABFCS), which certifies cosmetic surgeons who specialize in cosmetic procedures of the head, face and neck. Dr. Stephen Colbert, of MU Health Care, is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and specializes in plastic and cosmetic surgery. Eyelid surgery and breast reduction surgery are two cosmetic procedures that insurance can cover if the patient meets certain requirements, but insurance only covers these procedures for functional reasons, not because of a change in appearance.
Plastic surgery is a broad category of procedures that includes both cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. While basic surgical training is acquired in residency, the specialty of cosmetic surgery is generally learned after residency through practical experience. Plastic surgery training involves a wide range of procedures to restore the body's normal appearance and function, while cosmetic surgery training focuses exclusively on aesthetic procedures. Cosmetic surgery board certification requires surgical training followed by extensive and documented cosmetic surgery experience.
Cosmetic surgeons are trained in aesthetic principles and facial cosmetic surgeons, in particular, specialize in aesthetic procedures for the head, face, and neck. Reconstructive plastic surgery may be considered medically necessary, but cosmetic surgery is almost always elective, meaning that the patient decides to undergo a procedure even though insurance companies do not consider it essential to the patient's health. Each type of surgeon receives different training, and while there are many trained and well-trained cosmetic and plastic surgeons, learning the difference can help you understand each surgeon's credentials and experiences.