What is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the world?

While health insurance rarely covers the cost of cosmetic procedures, the number of people who decide to have cosmetic plastic surgery continues to increase. The main cosmetic surgeries are breast augmentation, liposuction, nose remodeling, eyelid surgery, tummy tuck and facelifting. There are a number of cosmetic surgery procedures that men and women can choose from to create an image that makes them feel more confident and comfortable with their appearance. The ISAPS, which represents more than 5600 doctors in 117 countries, based the results of its latest survey on data collected from more than 1000 cosmetic surgeons.

The society, which represents more than 11,000 medical members worldwide, is recognized as a leading authority and source of information on aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the most common cosmetic procedures (invasive and minimally invasive) are listed here by their common or descriptive names. The contouring procedure, which uses suction to remove excess fat, accounted for 14.8% of cosmetic surgeries performed worldwide, while the figure equivalent to breast augmentation fell to just over 13%. Since 1992, the ASPS has been the source of statistical trends in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery in the United States, and this series represents more than three decades of procedural data.

Sylvia Cinnamon
Sylvia Cinnamon

Proud twitter ninja. General internet trailblazer. Award-winning travel advocate. Hardcore music nerd. Music fanatic. Lifelong communicator.